Each month, I go through my browser history to look at the posts and articles that I have read. It seems like it may be worth sharing these to help spread the love!
This month seems to have been crazy busy, but I still managed to find some time to read some interesting articles and posts. I upgraded my dev machine to Windows 10 this month, so quite a chunk of the content I have read is related to setting up my machine in just the way I like. One of the big things I want to get working on this OS is Docker for my development environments. It seems to be a bit of a learning curve, but well worth it if I can - for example - remove the clutter that multiple SQL Server installs create whilst also forcing myself to script things like IIS configuration. So the list this month may be a bit docker/hyper-v heavy. You have been warned.
Git fix
Tamir Bahar explores options for making amendments when we make mistakes in our commits. (via: dev.to)
Windows containers and docker: 101
This is a 20-minute introduction into Docker on Windows by Elton Stoneman. It's one of the first things I watched when I got Docker installed and gives a great high-level view of what you could/should be doing.
Windows containers and docker: 101
Dockerizing Nerd Dinner
Back when I first looked at ASP.NET MVC, I came across the Nerd Dinner Tutorialby Scott Hanselman. As luck would have it, when I first look at dockerizing my first web application, I came across this little gem from Elton Stoneman. Perfect timing!
Dockerize SQL Server using Windows Server 2016 Containers
Again with the docker stuff!? I came across this article from [Buc Rogers](https://twitter.com/BucRogers26th] while investigating how to get SQL Server running in Docker. It runs through the steps of how to build a SQL Server 2014 Express image from a single “docker build” command - great!
Dockerize SQL Server using Windows Server 2016 Containers
.NET Fiddle
.NET Fiddle is a great tool for getting your coding fix on the do. .NET Fiddle is to .NET developers what CodePen is to UI developers.
Hanselman wizardry: The power of dotnet new
Scott Hanselman investigates the awesome power of dotnet new. This example creates a starter point for a SPA application written in ASP.NET Core 1.0 running on .NET Core 1.0 in next to no time.
dotnet new angular and dotnet new react
Manning | Learn Windows PowerShell in a Month of Lunches, Third Edition
Dan and I have been in communication with Mannin Publications about their new on-demand video course platform and looking for potential instructors at the next .NET Oxford. During in our discussions, we both came across this great book and swiftly added it to our personal libraries. Hopefully, it will pay off...
Manning | Learn Windows PowerShell in a Month of Lunches, Third Edition
How to implement faceted navigation in Azure Search
Most web developers are probably familiar with the concept of ‘faceted navigation’, and - being honest - probably don't enjoy trying to implement it in proprietary CMS and e-commerce platforms. In this post, Heidi Steen and Douglas Laudenschlager walk though the reasons for using it and provide a quick tutorial that builds a search app with faceted navigation.
How to implement faceted navigation in Azure Search
Get Near-Zero Load Time in Both Development and Production in Kentico
Of course there was going to something about Kentico in this list! This article from Jan Lenoch at Kentico talks about pre-compilation of your site and various IIS settings to allow for quicker load times of the customer-facing site and the admin interface.